When are meals delivered?

Meals are delivered on Tuesday. I will communicate with you about delivery time based on your location & availability. Prior to your first order, please arrange pick-up or delivery details with me.

How much are meals?

Meals range from $15-$25/serving plus $10 delivery fee in Houston or $25 for surrounding areas.

How are meals packaged?

Meals are packaged in single servings. If you are ordering for your family and want family style packaging, just check the box during check out.

Can you provide nutrition information for the meals?

At this time, full nutrition info is not available. Each serving will meet the recommended amount of macros (with a little extra). You will get 5oz protein per meal, 1 cup serving of carb (unless you opt for low carb), and over 1 cup serving of non-starchy veggies.

Can I make substitions?

Most meals will have a low-carb option listed. Substitutions beyond that are not possible.

Do you provide custom menu planning?

Yes! In addition to the weekly menus, I offer customized menu planning & meal prep for those with more specific diet needs. Email me for more info.