Homemade Almond Milk

Almond Milk

Homemade Almond Milk
yields 4 cups

1 cup raw almonds
4 cups filtered water

1 nut milk bag (or, you can buy paint strainer bags at Home Depot that are a fraction of the price)

Place almonds in a bowl and cover with water. Let soak overnight. If you start to soak them but find you won't have time to make the almond milk the next day, place the bowl in the fridge and make the almond milk within a week.

After they've soaked at least 8 hours, transfer the almonds and water to a high speed blender. Blend for 1 minute, or until there are no large almond pieces remaining. 

Arrange your nut milk bag over a bowl or in a pitcher. Pour almond mixture into the bag, in batches and allow to strain. Once you've poured all the mixture through the bag, massage the bag so that all the liquid is squeezed out. Avoid squeezing too tight though, because you could start to squeeze out pulp - which you'll want to avoid or else you'll have a lot of sediment in your almond milk.

Once you've let as much milk drain as you desire, transfer almond milk to jars or containers of choice and refrigerate. If you want to sweeten or flavor the almond milk, do it now. Some options include maple syrup, honey, vanilla, spices... or anything that you're craving! 

Keep refrigerated. Good for up to 10 days.