Kale Salad with Grapefruit Tahini Dressing

serves 2 (or 4 as a side)

1 bunch kale - stems removed, roughly chopped
1/2 white grapefruit, peeled, segmented, and torn into pieces
1/3 cup dried cherries, roughly chopped
1 Tbsp sesame seeds

1 Tablespoon tahini
1 Tablespoon grapefruit juice (1-2 segments of grapefruit squeezed)
1/2 teaspoon coconut liquid aminos (you could substitute soy sauce or tamari; if so, omit salt)
pinch salt

In a medium bowl, massage kale with a pinch of salt until it begins to soften.

In a small jar, combine dressing ingredients and shake until well combined.

Pour dressing over kale and toss to coat. Add grapefruit, cherries, and sesame seeds and gently toss to evenly distribute all the goodies.
